This is a Connecticut Cross Broken Scroll Pediment doorway. The door and all moldings are made from mahogany and the backdrop is made from cedar. At the bottom of the fluted pilasters are tombstone raised panels (hidden). At the top of each pilasters is a 6-1/2" hand carved 6 petal rosette. The band of 11 moldings going across bottom of the head starting from the bottom are as such: 2-1/2" flat stock w/a 3/4" round over, a 3/4" ogee, 3" flat stock, 1-5/8" dog-ear, an ogee ledge, a 4" frieze, a 1-1/8" ogee, a 3/4"quarter round, a dentil molding on a shadow box and another 3/4" ogee capped with lead flashing. On the top of the head is a 4-5/8" gooseneck crown molding terminated by a 7-1/2" hand carved 6 petal rosette atop a 7-1/2" barrel. Underneath the crown is a curved shadow box with a partial gooseneck crown molding and a gooseneck 1-1/2" quarter round on top of it. In the center is a three sided box made by mitreing 1-1/4" ogees, capped by a finial turning. The top of the curve box is also flashed in lead. The doors and entryway surround took about one month to make. This is a residential home in Bolton CT.